We bought a travel trailer?!

So last weekend our family drove from North San Diego to Las Cruces, New Mexico to pick up a camper trailer we bought from Texas. Kind of crazy considering we’ve never slept in any kind of rv or camper trailer. We’ve never even taken our kids camping. The idea has always just seemed so miserable and uncomfortable. It probably doesn’t help that the couple times I went camping as a kid were, well, uncomfortable and miserable and I just didn’t want to go through that with my kids.

Thankfully my husband and I have a little bit of an impulsive side to us and once I planted the seed of the idea of solving our camping issue by maybe being camper trailer people, the idea started to sprout. Sometimes things happen for a reason because I somehow ended up subscribed to a blog and was receiving emails about this family in the blog who happened to be on a road trip across the United States in a camper trailer. The blogger is currently documenting their travels and I started finding myself looking forward to the posts. So, I decided it couldn’t hurt to just look up what travel trailers cost, what you get for the price, and if it is even something we could pull with our suv. My husband, Scott, and I found ourselves getting a little too wrapped up in researching travel trailers and were staying up way too late looking at trailer after trailer. Nothing seemed quite right until one morning (after Scott had been up way too late) he said I think I found something that meets all our criteria. The criteria was that my suv can pull it, it has a full bath (no wet bath), two permanent bunk beds for our girls, a little kitchen area, and bonus points if it looks cool (none of that tacky rv fabric). What he found was perfect, so the next step was finding one in the color scheme we liked that was hopefully used because a new model was more than we wanted to pay. This proved harder than we thought since the model we liked was only a few years old. We only found two used trailers on the west coast that met our pretty strict criteria. One in Colorado and one in Texas. The Texas one was cheaper and had a full size fridge, so that’s what won us over, and here we are.


I’m so happy we decided to make an unpractical leap and go for it. We’re hoping to have lots of adventures with our little travel trailer. We’re off on our first adventure in a couple weeks!



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